Bookmark this page to find the latest transaction prices for landed homes in Serangoon Gardens. If you have any questions or would like to find out the value of your property, feel free to drop me a WhatsApp!
1. Serangoon Gardens - Terrace & Corner Terrace
Over the last 6 months, the highest PSF transacted is from a under construction unit located on Lorong Chuan which sold for $5.38m or $2,957psf. This is a new record for Serangoon Gardens. The previous high was for a unit along Chiselhurst Grove which sold at $4.75m or $2,582psf back in Jan 2022.
The cheapest (quantum) transacted is a 99 leasehold unit located along Chuan Place which sold for $2.848m or $1,707psf in November 2022.
Street Name | Price | Size | PSF | Lease | Date |
Tai Hwan Grove | 4.6m | 2,404 | $1,914 | FH | Apr-23 |
Cardiff Grove | 4.15m | 1,840 | $2,256 | 999 | Mar-23 |
Kingswear Avenue | 3.5m | 2,158 | $1,622 | 999 | Mar-23 |
Worthing Road | 3.4m | 2,161 | $1,573 | 999 | Mar-23 |
Cardiff Grove | 4.48m | 1,840 | $2,435 | 999 | Mar-23 |
Tai Hwan Drive | 3.7m | 1,713 | $2,161 | FH | Feb-23 |
Chiselhurst Grove | 3m | 1,841 | $1,630 | 999 | Feb-23 |
Medway Drive | 6.15m | 2,596 | $2,369 | 999 | Feb-23 |
Lorong Chuan | 6.499m | 2,680 | $2,425 | FH | Feb-23 |
Braemar Drive | 6.38m | 2,809 | $2,271 | 999 | Jan-23 |
Li Hwan Drive | 3.8m | 2,454 | $1,548 | FH | Jan-23 |
Blandford Drive | 6.15m | 2,800 | $2,197 | 999 | Dec-22 |
Golden Walk | 4.28m | 1,900 | $2,253 | FH | Dec-22 |
Blandford Drive | 6.3m | 2,799 | $2,251 | 999 | Nov-22 |
Hemsley Avenue | 4.3m | 2,936 | $1,464 | 999 | Nov-22 |
Chuan Place | 2.848m | 1,668 | $1,707 | 99 | Nov-22 |
Hemsley Avenue | 6m | 2,956 | $2,030 | 999 | Nov-22 |
Medway Drive | 4.05m | 1,920 | $2,109 | FH | Oct-22 |
Li Hwan Terrace | 3.38m | 2,520 | $1,341 | FH | Oct-22 |
Penshurst Place | 3.6m | 2,114 | $1,703 | FH | Oct-22 |
Braemar Drive | 6.5m | 2,814 | $2,310 | 999 | Oct-22 |

2. Serangoon Gardens - Semi Detached
No new transactions in the month of April have been reported. Over the last 6 months, the highest PSF transacted is from a new built house located on Carisbrooke Grove which sold for $7m at $2,187psf in Nov 2022. The all time high record is for a unit located along Blandford Drive which sold for $6.22m or $2,222psf in Sept 2022.
The cheapest (quantum) transacted is a 99 leasehold unit located along Chuan Place which sold for $3.36m or $1,194psf in Dec 2022.

Street Name | Price | Size | PSF | Lease | Date |
Chuan Garden | 6.28m | 6,125 | $1,025 | FH | Mar-23 |
Tavistock Avenue | 4.55m | 2,654 | $1,714 | 999 | Feb-23 |
Blandford Drive | 5.168m | 2,800 | $1,846 | 999 | Dec-22 |
Chuan Place | 5.15m | 6,203 | $830 | 99 | Dec-22 |
Chuan Place | 3.36m | 2,411 | $1,394 | 99 | Dec-22 |
Borthwick Drive | 5.59m | 2,800 | $1,997 | 999 | Dec-22 |
Carisbrooke Grove | 7m | 3,200 | $2,187 | 999 | Nov-22 |
Hemsley Avenue | 4.5m | 3,874 | $1,162 | 999 | Oct-22 |
3. Serangoon Gardens - Detached
No new transactions has been reported since January 2023. Over the last 6 months, the highest PSF transacted is from a resale house located on Raglan Grove which sold for $7.2m or $1,557psf. The previous highest transacted is for a unit along Brighton Crescent which sold for $8m or $1,832psf back in March 2022.
The cheapest (psf) transacted is a unit located along Carisbrooke Grove which sold for $12.28m or $854psf in Aug 2022.
Street Name | Price | Size | PSF | Lease | Date |
Raglan Grove | 6m | 4,312 | $1,391 | 999 | Jan-23 |
Worthing Road | 5.6m | 5,063 | $1,106 | 999 | Sep-22 |
Raglan Grove | 7.2m | 4,625 | $1,557 | 999 | Aug-22 |
Carisbrooke Grove | 12.28m | 1,380 | $854 | 999 | Aug-22 |

Looking for Some Property Advice?
Looking for some advise on planning a property purchase or diversifying your property portfolio? Why not drop me a message and I’ll be more than happy to share my on the ground experiences and upcoming trends in the property market.
As a resident of Serangoon Gardens you can rest assured that my in depth local knowledge will help to bring out the best in your unit, helping you to achieve the best price for your unit!